The Meaning of April Birthstones

Diamonds are an April gal’s best friend

Ah, spring—the season of rebirth. Sprouting buds seduce you with the promise of a warm summer ahead; birds flock home to make nests for their young; and April babies grow another year wiser. It’s little wonder that the April birthstone is one of the strongest and most elegant stones on the planet: Diamonds.

In this article, we take a tour of the fascinating history and cultural significance of the April birthstone. And don’t worry—we also touch on more practical concerns, like how to wear and care for your dazzling diamonds. Let’s jump in!

A Brief History of Birthstones

Before discussing April birthstones, we need to understand the broader context of the birthstone tradition. According to legend, it can be traced back to a very stylish high priest in the Hebrew Bible. This priest was known for wearing a dapper piece of armour encrusted with 12 unique gemstones, representing each of Israel's 12 tribes. The armour itself is often referred to as Aaron’s breastplate.

Over time, the 12 stones became connected with the 12 calendar months. To invite good fortune and health into one’s life, bearers would own and rotate stones depending on the time of year. Eventually, stone rotation fell out of fashion (let’s face it, not everyone loves garnet).

The new tradition held that each stone possessed unique magical properties. And what better way to channel these properties than to wear the stone linked with your particular birth month?

It’s worth noting that stone assignment has changed over time and has even been contested by a number of sources. This is, at least in part, due to the fact that no solid evidence exists regarding the order of gemstones affixed to Aaron’s breastplate

Interestingly, April’s gem has been set in stone (forgive the pun) from early on. In contrast, other months can’t quite seem to make up their mind. December, for example, has been hemming and hawing between tanzanite, zircon and turquoise for millennia.

It wasn’t until 1912, when the American National Association of Jewelers—now known more concisely as the Jewelers of America (JA)—put forth their definitive birthstone chart. This chart represents the most successful attempt at unanimously classifying the birthstones.

What’s So Special About Diamonds?

Diamonds are Ancient History

The word diamond comes from the Greek word adamas. This demonstrates that, even in ancient times, people were in awe of the stone’s remarkable strength. How do we know? Adamas roughly translates to either unconquerable or indestructible. To add a splash of Greek melodrama, it was even believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods.

Meanwhile, the Romans had a slightly more scientific explanation of things. They speculated—rather unromantically—that the stars above had an outer mantle that would sometimes shatter and fall to earth. Can you guess what this mantle was made of? Of course you can.

Diamonds and the Meaning of Life

“Diamonds are forever” isn’t just some catchy marketing phrase coined by Mary Frances Gerety. As it turns out, diamonds really are forever. This stone is so incredibly dense that only one thing can be used to cut it: More diamonds!

Throughout history, diamonds have symbolized fearlessness, indestructibility, eternal love, and strength. Wearers could channel these properties and set them to use in their own life. Ancient Sanskrit texts as old as 5,000 years evidence this fact. Since then, not much has really changed. Not only have diamonds withstood the test of time, you might even say that they’re, well, forever.

Modern History and Extraction

Modern diamond mining began in earnest in the 1860s, in a South African town called Kimberley. This mine would dominate the diamond market for almost a century until deposits were discovered elsewhere in the world. Today, diamonds are primarily found in Canada, Australia, Russia, and India.

As an alternative to mining, a new method for “discovering” diamonds has emerged. We are, of course, referring to lab-grown diamonds. Despite not being “natural”, lab-grown diamonds have a substantially lower environmental and social impact. This has led to a massive rise in their popularity, particularly among eco-conscious buyers.

Colour Me Diamond

It’s worth noting that Mother Earth wasn’t satisfied with white diamonds alone. No—she felt obliged to create diamonds of all shades and colours, giving rise to a phenomenon known as naturally coloured diamonds.

These diamonds are forged over millions and millions and millions of years by the toiling hands of immense pressure and heat. During this process, some diamond formations interact with other elements like boron or nitrogen. The former leads to the creation of a bluish stone, while the latter gives rise to a yellow stone. Nearly all gemologists agree that red and violet are the rarest colours.

Wearing Your Diamonds

Shout it from the rooftops, tell all your friends: Diamonds aren’t just reserved for engagement and wedding rings! From birthday parties to work events to everyday wear, diamonds are easily one of the most versatile birthstones around.

For instance, diamond earrings make a great accessory for a girl’s night out. Meanwhile, diamond bracelets are a humble accent on more formal occasions. Heck, you can even rock a gorgeous diamond cocktail ring—just make sure to wear it on one of your other nine fingers!

Caring for Your Diamonds

Even though they’re indestructible, diamonds are still prone to getting dirty. Skin oils accumulate on their surface every time you touch them. Luckily, a simple care routine can effectively help extend the longevity of your diamonds and keep them looking brilliant on every outing.

So, if ever your diamonds are in need of a little boost, here’s a gentle way to bring back that blinding white shine!


  • Drop your jewels into a simple solution of water with a splash of dish soap;
  • Scrub gently with a toothbrush. Be especially mindful when handling vintage jewelry;
  • Pat dry with a lint-free cloth like this one.
  • And there you go—it really is as simple as that! For any major scratches or blemishes, be sure to bring it into your trusted jeweller’s for a proper examination and repair.

    Final Thoughts

    It’s obvious that April and diamonds belong together like ice cream and cookie dough. Both represent a shining vitality against the forces of entropy and decay. As an April baby, you’ve got the great honour of possessing all the beautiful traits of this timeless stone: strength, eternal love, and fearlessness. Wear it with pride!

    Still not sure which diamond accessory is right for an April baby? Don’t hesitate to contact us for a chat or to book an in-person rendez-vous. In the meantime, check out our dazzling and curated online collection of diamond jewellery.